Call for Abstracts
Participants interested in presenting either an oral paper or a poster are invited to submit an abstract. The Scientific Committee will review submitted abstracts to determine those best suited for oral presentation. All authors are expected to submit a complete manuscript for publication in a forthcoming edition of Acta Horticulturae. Each manuscript will be peer reviewed prior to publication. All participants (except single day registrants) will receive a copy of the conference proceeding (Acta Horticulturae) when published.
The abstract submission deadline is 9 April 2010. Acceptance / rejection of abstracts, and form of presentation (oral vs. poster) will be communicated to authors by 7 May 2010.
To submit an abstract click on the above link and follow the instructions to register with the DSpace system. Once registered, you can submit your abstract. Abstract submission help is available on the above site in the form of pdf documents and a quicktime movie. The presenting author must register for the conference by the early registration deadline. Failure to register will result in removal of the abstract from the program. The paper should not have been previously published and must be scientifically sound. Abstracts should normally be no longer than 350 words.
Instructions to Authors
Oral Presentations: Each oral presentation will be given 15 minutes (including 2 minutes for questions). Computer projection will be available. Presentations must be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint and saved to either a CD or flash drive. Please contact the audio visual desk on arrival and transfer your presentation to the symposium computer and review to resolve any incompatibility issues.
Poster Presentations: The size of posters must be less than 100 cm width X 150 cm height. Posters must be displayed from Monday 2 August, 8:30 AM through Thursday 5 August, 10:00 AM. Posters can be mailed to the conference secretary but must be received by Friday 30 July.
Manuscripts: All oral and poster presenters are expected
to submit a manuscript (8 page maximum length including tables and figures). Invited
speakers must also submit a manuscript with a maximum length of 16 pages. Please
carefully follow the Acta Horticulturae manuscript
preparation guidelines.
must be submitted using the ISHS abstract and manuscript submission web site.
The deadline for receipt of manuscripts is 3 September 2010.