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Cornell University

Green Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
(frax-i-nus pen-sil-van-ih-cah)

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What about it?

The green ash is a medium-sized, deciduous tree with opposite buds and pinnately compound leaves. Its growth rate is rapid, and mature height is 50-60 feet. Bark is furrowed into diamond-shaped ridges.

What is it used for?

The green ash is a great shade tree. Because of its tolerance to poor soil conditions, it often grows successfully where other species will not survive. It does require a position in full sunlight in order to grow well.

Where does it grow? How do we grow it?

The green ash is tolerant of wet soils and alkaline conditions. Its climate range includes all of the United States. They should be planted 50 feet away from other large trees to prevent stress from competition for light and nutrients.

What are its primary problems?

Sometimes ashes are plagued by a fungus called Ash dieback. Also, the green ash can be weak-wooded.

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