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Cornell University

Rosa sp.

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What about it?

Roses have been the subject of much attention throughout the history of civilization. As a result, we have cultivated thousands of varieties. As early as 1829, 2500 kinds of roses were in the books. Unbelievably, they all can trace their roots back to the same species. Some of the most loved varieties include the French rose, Damask rose, moss rose, Bengal rose, perpetual rose, bea rose, sweet briars, and polyantha rose. Hybrid teas, floribundas, and grandifloras are among the most popular modern types.

What is it used for?

Roses come in all shapes and sizes which make them suitable for all types of uses and occasions. There are climbing roses that climb trellises beautifully. There are bushy roses that make attractive shrubbery. In fact, it is not uncommon to see an entire flower garden dedicated to roses And of course, florists adore them.

Where does it grow? How do we grow it?

Roses should be placed in a sunny spot that is open but sheltered from any strong winds. They need a lot of nutrients from the soil and therefore should not be planted near trees or other ornamentals that are better competitors for resources. Make your rose beds 4 to 5 feet wide so that you can properly tend your roses with the attention they need.

Good soil is the key to good roses. Most types prefer a medium-heavy clay loam, usually with 20-30% clay.

What are its primary problems?

Roses are susceptible to mildew, gray mold, black spot, rusts, mosaic, leaf spots, various cankers and stem blights, and crown gall. Aphids, Japanese beetles, rose chafer, thrips, leaf hoppers, red spiders, and rose scale can also be a nuisance.

How do we propagate it?

Small rose plants can be bought at almost any nursery. The best time for planting is early fall. This enables the plant to establish a root base and prepare for nourishing itself in the spring. However, if you wait too long, the rose will not be strong enough to survive the winter. Plant the roots deep enough so they can spread out.

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