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Eastern Broccoli Project

Project Director
Thomas Björkman

Phone: 315-787-2218

Department of Horticulture
Cornell University

Björkman broccoli research page 

Soil Fertility Management for Broccoli


Prior to field preparation, have soil tested to establish baseline pH and nutrient levels. Manage nutrients according to soil test results, soil types, and region-specific guidelines presented in Table 1, below. Note the following general considerations:

Maintain a pH of 6.5. In regions where clubroot is a concern, apply lime to rasie pH into the range of 6.8 – 7.2.

Boron can be applied as an additive to fertilizer. See table for the recommended amount for your area.

Fertilizer inputs are generally split into multiple applications timed to critical stages in plant growth. Base inputs on soil test results, and do not exceed total recommended amounts for your region. Include nitrogen credits in total inputs.

Abnormalities can result from overfertilizing as well as from nutrient deficiencies. For example, hollow stem can result from too little boron or too much nitrogen.

  • New England
  • New York
  • Mid-Atlantic
  • Southeast

    Recommended Nutrients Based on Soil Tests

    Apply 3 lb boron/ acre if soil levels of boron are low Nitrogen lbs/acre P2O5 lbs/acre K2O lbs/acre
    Soil Phosphorus Level Soil Potassium Level
    very low low optimal very low low optimal
    Total Recommended 160 150 100 50 175 125 50
    Broadcast & incorporate 100 150 100 50 175 125 50
    Sidedress after 1st or 2nd cutting 60 0 0 0 0 0 0


    Apply 3 lb. boron per acre if soil levels of boron are low.


    Source: University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2013. New England Vegetable Management Guide: Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Other Brassica Crops.


    Recommended Nutrients Based on Soil Tests

    Add 1 to 2 lbs boron/acre to fertilizer. Nitrogen lbs/acre P2O5 lbs/acre K2O lbs/acre
    Soil Phosphorus Level Soil Potassium Level
    low med optimal low med optimal
    Total Recommended 100-120 120 80 40 160 120 60
    Broadcast & disk-in 40 80 40 40 120 80 40
    Band place with planter 40 40 40 0 40 40 20
    Sidedress 4 weeks after seeding or transplanting 20-40 0 0 0 0 0 0


    Add 1 to 2 lbs. boron per acre to fertilizer.


    Source: Cornell Cooperative Extension. 2013. Integrated Crop& Pest Management Guidelines for Commercial Vegetable Production. Chapter 15: Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Brussels Sprouts.


    Recommended Nutrients Based on Soil Tests

      Nitrogen lbs/acre P2O5 lbs/acre K2O lbs/acre
    Soil Phosphorus Level Soil Potassium Level
    low med optimal low med optimal
    Total Recommended 150-200 200 100 50 200 100 50
    Broadcast & disk-in 50-100 150 100 50 150 100 50
    Sidedress 2-3 weeks after planting 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Sidedress 4-6 weeks after planting 50 0 0 0 0 0 0


    Apply 1.5 to 3 lbs. boron per acre in mixed fertilizer.


    Source: 2013 Rutgers Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations for New Jersey. Publication E001. Broccoli,Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards, Kale, and Kohlrabi - Cole Crops.


    Recommended Nutrients Based on Soil Tests

      Nitrogen lbs/acre P2O5 lbs/acre K2O lbs/acre
    Soil Phosphorus Level Soil Potassium Level
    low med optimal low med optimal
    Total Recommended 125-175 200 100 50 200 100 50
    Broadcast & disk-in 50-100 150 100 50 150 100 50
    Sidedress 2 to 3 weeks after planting 50 50 0 0 50 0 0
    Sidedress every 2 to 3 weeks after initial sidedressing 25 0 0 0 0 0 0


    Apply 2 to 3 lbs of boron per acre with broadcast fertilizer.


    Source: Southeastern Vegetable Extension Workers. 2013 Southeastern U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook.