Cornell UniversityCollege of Agriculture and Life SciencesHorticulture Sectiion

Bluegrass Annuals Home Page

2005 Plant List
Annual Flower Research at Bluegrass Lane - 2005
Calibrachoa | Superbells | Tequila Sunrise

Source: Proven Winners


30-Jun: Wide color range, some more orange, others more red, foliage hides flowers; 15-Jul: Vast color differences, variable shades of orange, some yellow, some red flowers, great flowers; 30-Jul: Bloom color varies = ugly, variation in color, amazing flower, hummingbirds love it, beautiful; 15-Aug: Great color; 1-Sept: Yellower flowers less prolific than orange; 15-Sept: Has looked nicer

Click on images for larger view

June 30

July 12

August 1

August 18

September 3

© Copyright by the Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University.
More info about flower research, contact:

Dr. William Miller
Horticulture Section
School of Integrative Plant Science
135 Plant Science Bldg.
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
607-255-1799, Fax: 607-255-0599