Gardening Personality Test

For entertainment purposes only.

Directions: For each pair of statements, click the radio button that best describes you and your garden (or if you don't have a garden, how you think you'd garden). There are no right or wrong answers. * All 28 questions are required.

1. Weeds have no place in my garden.
I don't mind having a few weeds in my garden.

2. I plan ahead so I can locate the right spot for a plant the first time.
I often move plants two or three times before I find the right location for them.

3. I'm driven to grow vegetables.
I'm driven to grow ornamentals.

4. I prefer to work in the garden alone.
I prefer to work in the garden with a friend or other fellow gardener.

I like to grow heirloom vegetable varieties and ornamental plants that are native to my area.
I like to grow the latest varieties of flowers and vegetables.

6. I love how my garden looks right now.
I love to imagine how much better my garden will look next year.

7. My biggest concern in the garden is what looks good.
My biggest concern in the garden is what works.

8. My favorite place in the garden is a spot where I can spend time alone.
My favorite place in the garden is where I can be with friends and family.

9. I'm constantly battling pests in my garden.
If pests kill a few plants each season, it's no big deal.

10. I enjoy even hard garden chores.
I would prefer to delegate or hire out hard garden chores and just do the fun stuff myself.

11. I'm mostly concerned with how well vegetable varieties yield.
I'm likely to consider how a vegetable variety will look in my garden.

12. My garden plays a big roll when I entertain.
I seldom entertain in my garden.

13. I use a string or some other method to make sure my rows are straight.
It's usually not important that plants be in straight rows.

14. I avoid growing plants that spread all over the garden by seed, or I deadhead to keep them from spreading.
I like surprises in the garden, like when a plant appears out of nowhere.

15. When building a fence, my biggest concern is what I'm trying to keep in or out.
No matter the purpose of a fence, it has to look good.

16. I've planted my yard to make it inviting and welcoming.
I've planted my yard to help maintain privacy.

17. I prefer to use natural fertilizers like manure or compost because they are good for the soil.
I prefer to use chemical fertilizers like 10-10-10 because they are fast-acting and effective.

18. I can always find something to do in the garden.
Sometimes I avoid doing things I know need doing in the garden.

19. When deciding what plants will grow next to one another, I'm mostly concerned about how their color and form will complement each other.
When deciding what plants will grow next to one another, I'm mostly concerned that their needs will be met without one crowding out the other.

20. I prefer to learn new things with other gardeners - in a workshop or on a garden tour for example.
I prefer to learn by reading about gardening ideas and then going out and trying them on my own.

21. I let my grass grow longer than most of my neighbors.
I keep my lawn cut shorter than most of my neighbors.

22. I often draw my garden plan on paper before I even think about picking up a shovel.
I usually just dive in and start planting seeds and transplants and make up my garden plan as I go along.

23. I like the way the lawn complements flower beds.
I like the way the lawn reflects how I take care of it.

24. I put my favorite chair on a deck or patio.
I put my favorite chair under a secluded arbor.

25. I think the best way to keep deer out of a flower garden is with a strong fence.
I think the best way to keep deer out of a flower garden is to grow flowers deer don't like to eat.

26. I keep lots of records, notes and observations about my garden.
I often forget what I planted where or what variety I planted.

27. The most important function of a trellis is to support vines.
The most important function of a trellis is to create pleasing vertical elements.

28. I like to relax on the front porch.
I like to relax in the backyard.

Click the 'Calculate ... ' button to see your results and read more about the garden personality test.

Craig Cramer
Ellis Hollow gardening blog