Cornell University > College of Agriculture & Life Sciences > Cornell Cooperative Extension > Gardening
Cornell University Department of Horticulture
Gardening resources
Gardening resources Your portal to gardening information at Cornell.

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© Copyright, Department of Horticulture, Cornell University.
Hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension
Content from 'The Garden Team'
Website design: Craig Cramer

Mention of trade names and commercial products is for educational purposes; no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Cornell Cooperative Extension or Cornell University is implied. Pesticide recommendations are for informational purposes only and manufacturers' recommendations change. Read the manufacturers' instructions carefully before use. Cornell Cooperative Extension and Cornell University assumes no responsibility for the use of any pesticide or chemicals. Some of the links provided are not maintained by Cornell Cooperative Extension and Cornell University. Cornell Cooperative Extension and Cornell University are not responsible for information on these websites. They are included for information purposes only and no endorsement by Cornell Cooperative Extension or Cornell University is implied. Cornell Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.